kind plugin



This section documents the behavior of the kind plugin when using the CLI.

Before using the kind plugin you must have its prerequisites.


When running microbs setup [-k], the kind plugin runs kind create cluster. Currently, the kind plugin does not configure the size of the cluster it deploys.


The kind plugin is unaffected by microbs rollout.


When running microbs destroy [-k], the kind plugin runs kind delete cluster.


Install dependencies

The kind plugin requires the following software dependencies on the same machine as microbs:

Software Version
kind 0.12.0


Currently, the kind plugin does not have any configurable settings.

© 2022 Dave Moore.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
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microbs is a project of the open source community. microbs is not officially supported by any vendors named in this documentation or the software (e.g. Cloud Native Computing Foundation, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Elastic, Grafana), though employees or partners of those vendors may contribute to the project.