App Development


What is a microbs app?

A microbs app is a set of microservices that run in a Kubernetes cluster and are monitored with an observability solution. microbs users can install their choice of apps and use them to run their microbs deployment that serves their purposes.

More specifically, a microbs app is a Node.js package that contains the source code and metadata for the application, which also includes Dockerfiles, Kubernetes manifests, and a skaffold file. The application services can be written in any programming language because they will be deployed as containers. Node.js is required simply to publish the project and install it to microbs. The microbs CLI manages these Node.js packages using npm, which is simplified by the use of the microbs apps command.

Project structure




Contains the source code for the entire application.


Contains the source code for each service of the application.


Contains the source code for a single service.


Contains the Kubernetes manifests for a service. The setup, rollout, and destroy commands invoke skaffold run or skaffold delete to apply or remove these configurations on Kubernetes. The manifests must be declared in ./src/skaffold.yaml under the main profile for the commands to apply them.


Contains the configuration for one or more Kubernetes resources of the service. Usually this includes a Deployment and a Service.


Contains the source code for a single service.


Contains the instructions to build a Docker image for the service. The setup and rollout commands invoke skaffold run to build these images and deploy them to Kubernetes. The Dockerfiles must be declared in ./src/skaffold.yaml under the main profile for the commands to build them.


Contains the source code for each variant of the application. (Functionally equivalent to ./src/services)


Contains the source code for a single variant. (Functionally equivalent to ./src/services/SERVICE_NAME)


Contains the Kubernetes manifests for a variant. The rollout command invokes skaffold run to apply or remove these configurations on Kubernetes. The manifests must be declared in ./src/skaffold.yaml under a profile that is not main for the commands to apply them. (Functionally equivalent to ./src/services/SERVICE_NAME/k8s)


Contains the configuration for one or more Kubernetes resources of the variant. (Functionally equivalent to ./src/services/SERVICE_NAME/k8s/*.yaml)


Contains the source code for a single variant. (Functionally equivalent to ./src/services/SERVICE_NAME/src)


Contains the instructions to build a Docker image for the variant. The rollout command invoke skaffold run to build these images and deploy them to Kubernetes. The Dockerfiles must be declared in ./src/skaffold.yaml under a profile that is not main for the commands to build them. (Functionally equivalent to ./src/services/SERVICE_NAME/src/Dockerfile)


Contains the configuration that skaffold needs to build the Docker images for the services or variants and then deploy them to Kubernetes.


Contains metadata about the application that is required to be installed to microbs.

App requirements

A microbs app is a Node.js package and must be compatible with npm.


Apps must conform to these requirements in package.json:

  • "name" must start with app- or
  • "name" must contain only lowercase letters, digits, or hyphens
  • "version" must adhere to semantic version syntax.
  • "keywords" must contain "microbs" and "app"

Plugins also should conform to these best practices in package.json, though they are not required:

  • "license" should be provided
  • "repository" should be provided
  • "description" should be "microbs app - APP_NAME"
  • "scripts" should include "test" which invokes "jest"

Here is an example of a complete, well-formed package.json file used by the ecommerce app:

  "name": "",
  "version": "0.1.1-alpha",
  "description": "microbs app - ecommerce",
  "license": "Apache-2.0",
  "url": "",
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": ""
  "keywords": [
  "scripts": {
    "test": "jest"
  "jest": {
    "silent": false,
    "verbose": true
  "engines": {
    "node": ">=14.16.1"
  "devDependencies": {
    "": "^0.1.7-alpha",
    "jest": "^26.6.3"


Apps must conform with the microbs version policy, which uses semantic version syntax.


The following implementation details for logging and tracing will be compatible with the current observability plugins.


  • Services should serialize logs using logfmt
  • Services should write to stdout


  • Services should instrument with OpenTelemetry
  • Services should send spans to the otel-collector service on Kubernetes

Liveness & Readiness

  • Services should handle GET /healthz and return 200 OK with the payload {"health":true} and the header Content-Type: application/json
© 2022 Dave Moore.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
This website uses Google Analytics.

microbs is a project of the open source community. microbs is not officially supported by any vendors named in this documentation or the software (e.g. Cloud Native Computing Foundation, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Elastic, Grafana), though employees or partners of those vendors may contribute to the project.