Plugin Development


What is a microbs plugin?

A microbs plugin manages either the Kubernetes cluster, the observability solution, or the alerts destination of the microbs deployment. microbs users can install their choice of plugins and use them to run their microbs deployment that serves their purposes.

More specifically, a microbs plugin is a Node.js package that implements the functionality of microbs commands and lifecycle hooks. The microbs CLI manages these Node.js packages using npm, which is simplified by the use of the microbs plugins command.

Plugin types

A microbs plugin belongs to one of the following plugin types:


A kubernetes plugin creates and manages the Kubernetes cluster that the microbs application will run in.

Users declare their choice of a kubernetes plugin in config.yaml here:

deployment.plugins.kubernetes: PLUGIN_NAME


An observability plugin creates and manages the observability solution that monitors both the Kubernetes cluster and the microbs application.

Users declare their choice of an observability plugin in config.yaml here:

deployment.plugins.observability: PLUGIN_NAME


An alerts plugin creates and manages the alerting destination to which the observability solution publishes alerts.

Users declare their choice of an alerts plugin in config.yaml here:

deployment.plugins.alerts: PLUGIN_NAME


Each plugin must be configured in config.yaml under the deployment.plugins section as follows:

      KEY: VALUE,


      api_key: my-api-key
      org_slug: test
      region: us

Plugins have read-only access to the entire config object that the microbs CLI parses from config.yaml. Plugins can read from the config object using config.get() from

Plugin requirements

A microbs plugin is a Node.js package and must be compatible with npm.


Plugins must conform to these requirements in package.json:

  • "name" must start with plugin- or
  • "name" must contain only lowercase letters, digits, or hyphens
  • "main" must reference a module that exports the expected plugin functions
  • "version" must adhere to semantic version syntax.
  • "keywords" must contain "microbs" and "plugin"
  • "keywords" must contain exactly one microbs plugin type: "kubernetes", "observability", or "alerts"
  • "peerDependencies" must include ""

Plugins also should conform to these best practices in package.json, though they are not required:

  • "license" should be provided
  • "repository" should be provided
  • "description" should be "microbs plugin - PLUGIN_NAME"
  • "scripts" should include "test" which invokes "jest"

Here is an example of a complete, well-formed package.json file used by the gke plugin:

  "name": "",
  "version": "0.1.7-alpha",
  "description": "microbs plugin - gke",
  "license": "Apache-2.0",
  "url": "",
  "main": "./src/index.js",
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": ""
  "keywords": [
  "scripts": {
    "test": "jest"
  "jest": {
    "silent": false,
    "verbose": true
  "engines": {
    "node": ">=14.16.1"
  "dependencies": {
    "command-exists": "^1.2.9",
    "semver": "^7.3.5",
    "shell-quote": "^1.7.3"
  "peerDependencies": {
    "": "^0.1.8-alpha"
  "devDependencies": {
    "jest": "^26.6.3"


Plugins must conform with the microbs version policy, which uses semantic version syntax.



A microbs plugin is expected to implement all applicable functions documents in this guide and export them in the root module of the package.

Example of expected usage:

const plugin = require('')


Whenever the microbs CLI runs the setup or destroy commands, it calls the setup() or destroy() function of the plugins that the user has invoked in the command. For example, microbs setup -ko will invoke the setup() function of the kubernetes and observability plugins specified in the deployment.plugins.* fields of config.yaml. Running microbs setup without any limitaton on plugins will call the setup() function of all those plugins.

Plugins are called in a specific order depending on the command being run:

  • setup calls the setup() function of alerts, then kubernetes, then observability
  • destroy calls the destroy() function of alerts, then observability, then kubernetes


  • microbs setup calls the setup() function of the alerts plugin, then the

kubernetes plugin, and then the observability plugin. It also calls any setup hooks for all plugins.

  • microbs setup -ko calls the setup() function of the kubernetes plugin and

then the observability plugin. It also calls any setup hooks for all plugins.

  • microbs destroy -a destroys the deployed application on Kubernetes. It also

calls any destroy hooks for all plugins.


Whenever the microbs CLI runs the setup, rollout, or destroy commands, it calls optional lifecycle hooks for any plugin that implements them. This allows plugins to perform certain necessary actions regardless of whether the user called them or not. For example, if an observability plugin needs to perform some action whenever the user runs either microbs setup --app or microbs rollout, then the plugin could implement the after_setup_app and after_rollout hooks to always perform that action during those commands.

Plugins are called in a specific order depending on the command being run:

  • setup calls the hooks of alerts, then kubernetes, then observability
  • rollout calls the hooks of alerts, then kubernetes, then observability
  • destroy calls the hooks of alerts, then observability, then kubernetes

Plugins can implement any (or none) of the following hooks:

  • after_destroy_alerts() - Runs after microbs destroy --alerts
  • after_destroy_app() - Runs after microbs destroy --app
  • after_destroy_kubernetes() - Runs after microbs destroy --kubernetes
  • after_destroy_observability() - Runs after microbs destroy --observability
  • after_setup_alerts() - Runs after microbs setup --alerts
  • after_setup_app() - Runs after microbs setup --app
  • after_setup_kubernetes() - Runs after microbs setup --kubernetes
  • after_setup_observability() - Runs after microbs setup --observability
  • after_rollout() - Runs after microbs rollout
  • before_destroy_alerts() - Runs before microbs destroy --alerts
  • before_destroy_app() - Runs before microbs destroy --app
  • before_destroy_kubernetes() - Runs before microbs destroy --kubernetes
  • before_destroy_observability() - Runs before microbs destroy --observability
  • before_setup_alerts() - Runs before microbs setup --alerts
  • before_setup_app() - Runs before microbs setup --app
  • before_setup_kubernetes() - Runs before microbs setup --kubernetes
  • before_setup_observability() - Runs before microbs setup --observability
  • before_rollout() - Runs before microbs rollout


Plugins are expected to run and pass automated tests prior to release. Tests must cover the standard plugin requirements and should cover as much other functionality as possible.

© 2022 Dave Moore.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
This website uses Google Analytics.

microbs is a project of the open source community. microbs is not officially supported by any vendors named in this documentation or the software (e.g. Cloud Native Computing Foundation, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Elastic, Grafana), though employees or partners of those vendors may contribute to the project.